How To
John Riley
Principle Agile Coach and Trainer
A Common, Controlled Language
A Lightweight Refinement Process
A Common Tool
A Plan to Scale
Agree on a Common, Controlled Language
Agree on a Common, Controlled Language
Use this language in your Lightweight Refinement Process
Agree on a Common, Controlled Language
Use this language in your Lightweight Refinement Process
Choose a tool that lines up with your language and process
Feature: Home Page
#AC Template:
# GIVEN I am a <role>
# AND I <user_action> <field>
# WHEN I <user_action> <control>
# THEN I will be <app_action> <page>
Scenario Outline: User Log in
GIVEN I am a <role>
AND I enter my user name
AND I enter my password
WHEN I click the login button
THEN I will be navigated to the home page
| role |
| home banking user |
| bank manager |
| administrator |